What is Marketing for?

You cannot have an innovative idea or be the owner of a company without thinking of investing in marketing.

Marketing, which literally means placing on the market, includes the analysis, study and actions to implement to create a relationship between company and potential customers.

Marketing tools have been part of the fundamental ingredients for many successful companies for more than fifty years.

Marketing is a logic and an approach.

Marketing is a discipline which through the use of scientific techniques is used to understand the needs and desires of the market and to launch and properly promote the right product on the market.

The main marketing rules are directed towards the use of the fundamental marketing levers (product, price, distribution and communication). 
In fact, contrary to what is often believed, communication is only one of the features of marketing strategies.

Pricing and the policies that characterize the quality of the product can, together with sales planning, be ascribed to the set of marketing strategies.

The rules of marketing are very strict and differ from one company context to another. The marketing rules and strategies that are valid for one company may be of little use to another.

The goals of marketing activities and “doing marketing” can be very different. Getting your product known in new markets, reaching a wider target, expanding the business, at operating margin level, at market share level, increasing turnover, selling more. 

A useful tool for applying the marketing techniques is the market survey. The market survey is a tool that is used preliminarily to promote and launch new products/services on the market and to find the most truthful contact possible with your customers.

The case histories of more recent marketing give us an example about those that can be used as guidelines for defining the ideal “ingredients” of a marketing mix. If advertising was, in the past, the most used marketing lever, there seem today to be other roads for achieving success. It has to be said that to do marketing it is often easier to buy advertising on TV, magazines, newspapers and road hoardings than to reflect. The technical terms of marketing are in fact nothing but the scientific transfer of common sense. You must, in fact, start from a basis of common sense to do good marketing. Marketing is reflecting, marketing is precision, marketing is constancy, marketing is improving the life of the people who use the company’s products/services and the communities to which they belong. 

Before thinking of solutions to sell more and promote a new product or service, marketing must offer solutions and ideas, offer value, build the value and then communicate through the marketing communication tools. 

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