Business intelligence is a system of models, methods, processes, people and tools which make the regular organized collection of the data assets generated by a company possible. Moreover, through processing, analysis or aggregation, they can be transformed into information, stored, searched and presented in a simple, flexible and effective form to become a support in strategic, tactical and operating decisions.
The Business Intelligence system therefore entails:
In Business Intelligence, the collection, integration, cleaning and validation stages for the data, as well as the aggregation procedures and the analytical calculation part, are carried out automatically; in fact, it is unthinkable to manually process the enormous bulk of data which, for some companies, describe the daily activity: for example, there could be millions of current account movements every day for a bank branch or there could be hundreds of thousands of receipts typed in a single day for a large distribution chain.
The areas of application for Business Intelligence are multiple, both as regards the economic sectors and the company context.
Some examples are:
These are the benefits that Business Intelligence allows you to achieve: